
Rain has Arrived in Concord and Surrounding Cities

Rain has arrived again.

After 4 &1/2 inches of rain fall; the Valley is primed for flooding. As The late afternoon rain storm arrives!

The Good news is that the rain forecast is not expected to last all day and night , the current storm is estimated to last in to the early evening.  please Consult National Weather Service for  Bay Area.

We all enjoy some Flood fear!  But its not looking that bad, really.

Some Suggestions if you live in a city section of the Valley 
>Make sure to clean gutters and storm drains, if need some to do that work , look at the classified and >advertisers or email us directly and we will directly to someone .

Doppler animation 1/02/2023

Please Send pictures and videos of downed trees or street flooding ! #Weathertips

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