Weather from Flat valley Reporter
**January 2, 2024**
**Concord, California**
**Weather Report: January 2, 2024**
Weather conditions for January 2, 2024, in Concord, California:
There is a current Dense Fog Warning for the Contra Costa Valley
- Temperature: (45°F)
- Precipitation: 50 percent in the form of rain , it is dripping in the form of ground level fog
- Wind Speed: 1 (mph)
- Visibility: 6 miles (For street level driving the Visibility very low maybe 100 yards, drive slowly and look out for people and cars with no lights on
Please note that weather conditions are subject to change. For real-time updates and detailed forecasts, please refer to authorized military weather channels and resources.
Sunny, with a high of 58 and low of 38 degrees. Sunny in the morning, clear in the afternoon and evening,