Orange Tree Bandits Strike in Dana Estates Area!

I interviewed a woman who was in the act of harvesting the remaining jumbo and juicy-looking oranges from the middle to the top part of an orange tree, located in the front yard of a Dana Estates homes. 

I am protecting the street, so no other citrus bandit  returns 

The tree was cleaned out of all citrus up to the exact middle of the well-pruned and round Orange tree.

She was now going to remove as much as she could reach with a fruit puller tool.

She was very angry and said it was a couple of crimes !!!

After asking around the area, I learned that there had been a tempting level of citrus on the ground around the tree, that is no justification but it is a real temptation in these times of inflation. 

No pictures of this story.  Look for a follow-up next week

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